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Keep Calm It’s My 27th Birthday

I don’t think anyone was hyped up but me!

Happy Birthday to Me and here it goes my 27th Birthday Post! 

I couldn’t decide to write about the things I’ve learned/advice, thankful for,  or things to do! So I’m posting it all in 27 points! (I’ll but it in order grouped as listed)

  1. Take bigger risks.
  2. Drink more water.
  3. Stop worrying about what other people think.
  4. Don’t worry about being overdressed.
  5. Wear ALL the makeup. Devour the eyeshadow and paint face in peace!
  6. Consistency is key!
  7. It’s okay to spoil yourself and let yourself get spoiled.
  8. Plan but allow yourself to defer from time to time. (Sometimes I’m so stuck on sticking to a plan that I miss out on having fun)
  9. Communicate with friends more, and carve time out for them.
  10. There is no short cut to growing up. 
  11. Speak up more.
  12. Say exactly what you mean.
  13. Make sure YOU are happy. if not change it.
  14. Being an extrovert in this introverted, internet society is fine. As a person with a ton of old fashioned qualities in today’s world, I’m fine with that.
  15. Let people leave. And when they leave let them stay gone.
  16. Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway.
  17. Things I’m thankful for starts right about now! My parents and grandparents! Each day starts with a text from my Dad!
  18. I am thankful for my boyfriend Michael…EVERY DAY My favorite movie last year is definitely “At Star is Born” and the soundtrack. Look what I found! Somebody who loves me! Look what I found! Somebody who carry ’round a piece of my heart…
  19. Being a sister. My brother Kamaro is absolutely amazing. A listener, problem solver, and just everything. I’ve also reestablished a relationship with my half brother Dillon and that’s pretty great. And my little sister Anna who’s a mini version of me but extra. lol
  20. Charlie!
  21. This functional healthy abled body.
  22. Ok, things I’d like to do this year. Let’s start with pretty much sticking with my health and fitness goals.
  23. Cure my PCOS. Well, there’s no cure but if I can get it a bit more under control that would be amazing…. but that relies on the previous point made.
  24. Go to Antigua (Preferably with my boyfriend)
  25. Cook more and give you guys recipes for days
  26. Post more consistently and with a structure on my blog.
  27. Have an unplugged vacation.


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