5 Tips for An Awesome Snow Day

March 13, 2017

So it’s March and were are going to have a Blizzard. I feel like this is nature’s way of saying you lost an hour of your weekend. Here’s a day to recover. This is actually not uncommon in New York, when you feel like it’s over and start thinking about Spring jackets and shoes there’s a snow storm to remind you it’s not over yet. 

So there are tips the city advises that you must do; you should definitely follow them. Here are links to those tips and you should also follow your local news.

Now apart from the absolute need of things like food and warmth here is how you can ensure that your snow day is not boring:
  1. Alone or Accompanied: If you do not live with anyone then you may want to invite your bestie or boyfriend over if you do not want to be alone. But that’s up to you, decide quickly. 
  2. Binge Prep:  Download shows you want to catch up on. Do not depend on the internet. Netflix now gives you the ability to download videos. In case your internet get’s disconnected; find some shows you like and download them on your viewing device(s). Having Time Warner I expect issues so I definitely will do this. 
  3. Booze: Don’t forget the alcohol. Ordering liquor or anything on a snow day sucks! It takes an extra hour or two than usual, seems to cost more and you feel way more obligated to tip the delivery guy more because I mean he deserves it. So be sure to just get out, and stock up on wine and liquor.
  4. Games: If you are not alone definitely get some games to play in case you get tired of screen time and sleeping. Feel free to incorporate drinking in some of the games.
  5. Spa Day: If you’re alone definitely pamper yourself. Give yourself a manicure, pedicure, long foot soak, have a bubble bath that is way too long with lit candles and just relax. 


So stay safe and enjoy your snow day! 


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