I don’t think anyone was hyped up but me!

Happy Birthday to Me and here it goes my 27th Birthday Post!
I couldn’t decide to write about the things I’ve learned/advice, thankful for, or things to do! So I’m posting it all in 27 points! (I’ll but it in order grouped as listed)
- Take bigger risks.
- Drink more water.
- Stop worrying about what other people think.
- Don’t worry about being overdressed.
- Wear ALL the makeup. Devour the eyeshadow and paint
yoru face in peace! - Consistency is key!
- It’s okay to spoil yourself and let yourself get spoiled.
- Plan but allow yourself to defer from time to time. (Sometimes I’m so stuck on sticking to a plan that I miss out on having fun)
- Communicate with friends more, and carve time out for them.
- There is no short cut to growing up.
- Speak up more.
- Say exactly what you mean.
- Make sure YOU are happy. if not change it.
- Being an extrovert in this introverted, internet society is fine. As a person with a ton of old fashioned qualities in today’s world, I’m fine with that.
- Let people leave. And when they leave let them stay gone.
- Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway.
- Things I’m thankful for starts right about now! My parents and grandparents! Each day starts with a text from my Dad!
- I am thankful for my boyfriend Michael…EVERY DAY My favorite movie last year is definitely “At Star is Born” and the soundtrack. Look what I found! Somebody who loves me! Look what I found! Somebody who carry ’round a piece of my heart…
- Being a sister. My brother Kamaro is absolutely amazing. A listener, problem solver, and just everything. I’ve also reestablished a relationship with my half brother Dillon and that’s pretty great. And my little sister Anna who’s a mini version of me but extra. lol
- Charlie!
- This functional healthy abled body.
- Ok, things I’d like to do this year. Let’s start with pretty much sticking with my health and fitness goals.
- Cure my PCOS. Well, there’s no cure but if I can get it a bit more under control that would be amazing…. but that relies on the previous point made.
- Go to Antigua (Preferably with my boyfriend)
- Cook more and give you guys recipes for days
- Post more consistently and with a structure on my blog.
- Have an unplugged vacation.
January 18, 2019 at 9:46 AM
January 18, 2019 at 9:49 AM