This is somewhat of a continuation of my how to how to rock Valentine’s Day single. The things listed in this post applies however when you’re fresh out of a relationship, and the person probably just moved out it’s a little different. (These work pretty much anytime after a break-up)

Reclaim Your Space After Your Ex Moves Out
- Do some cleaning – remove things you aren’t a fan of that you probably purchased together. Try using different cleaning products to give your home a new scent.
- Redecorate and rearrange furniture. I did this a ton.
- Look for stuff he may have left behind and throw them out. (if you feel like it’s important and you feel like it would be evil to throw away, mail them to an address where he’d be sure to get them (friends, family, work), use something with a tracking number so you’ll know he got them without having to speak to him.
- Be happy with the extra storage space.
- Throw out the sheets and get new ones, if you’re able to get a new mattress too.
- Clear the Energy in Your Space. You can use a Sage spray to clear the energy in your space. You can add some Himalayan Sea Salt rocks to absorb the bad energy. Try a cinnamon broom. A Caribbean ritual before moving in is to spray the house with a white and green rubbing alcohol mixture in your home and blessing it.

Do you have any other suggestions Reclaim Your Space After Your Ex Moves Out?
What have you done in the past? Is there anything on this list you feel should not be done?