Stay-At-Home Valentine’s Day Ideas with Others

February 3, 2018

Stay-At-Home Valentine’s Day Ideas with Others

Today’s Post will focus on entertaining on Valentine’s Day with 1-2 other couples. I live in a small apartment that accommodates 4 additional people when it comes to entertaining. Here are some date night Ideas:

  1. Trivia Night: Host a trivia night. Play games that test how well you know each other, and compete against other couples.
  2. Game Night: Similar to Trivia Night but instead of just Trivia play a variation of different games for couples, or games that are designed for two person teams.
  3. Couple’s Pot-Luck Tasting. Have each couple bring a simple dish and enjoy each other’s food. You can create a theme to this pot-luck; Family or Native Country Dishes, Pasta Dishes, Favorite Take Out Meals, and the list goes on.
  4. Make Your Own Pizza Night. Purchase pizza crusts, purchase a different number of toppings (Or direct everyone to bring their favorite pizza toppings) and have everyone create their own pizza.
  5. Cooking Class. Host a cooking class and teach your friends how to make something you and your significant other enjoys.
  6. BYOB Wine Paint and Sip Party. Set up a bouquet of flowers, fruit, etc for your friends to paint, wine glasses, get some canvases, paint, brushes and all the art supplies you’ll need. Have your friend’s bring a bottle of wine to share. Don’t forget to put together the perfect playlist.


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  • Becoming His Tapestry

    Great ideas, love #1, 2

    February 3, 2018 at 11:19 AM Reply
  • Rikki These are all really fun ideas!
    February 3, 2018 at 8:59 AM Reply
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